On behalf of Oxford University Development, we are delighted to announce this competition to find creative forward-thinking masterplanners and landscape designers to deliver a world leading Innovation District with the University’s Science park, incubator of world changing research, at its heart.
It is with real pleasure that we are able to announce that this competition has been won by the team led by Hawkins\Brown, working with OKRA (Netherlands); BuroHappold and C:Lab; RCKa; Ooze (Netherlands); Ecological Land Cooperative; Murray Twohig.
The Press Release can be found in the sidebar of this webpage.
We offer everyone involved in that team huge congratulations and wish them, and the client team, much success and fun in taking the project forward.
We are proud to announce the shortlist for this competition:
Allies and Morrison with Mecanoo (Netherlands); Gort Scott; DK-CM; Hargreaves Jones (USA); BuroHappold; Systematica (USA); HR&A (USA)
Carlo Ratti Associati with Outcomist; Martha Schwartz Partners; Ove Arup & Partners; Studio 20-20; Groupwork Architects; Tsuruta Architects; Theatrum Mundi; Fabienne Nicholas; Mobility in Chain; Soundings; Indeed Innovation (Germany)
Grimshaw with Hoare Lea; BuroHappold; Logika Consultants; McGregor Coxall; Jas Bhalla Architects; Openstudio Architects; XCO2
Hawkins\Brown with OKRA (Netherlands); BuroHappold and C:Lab; RCKa; Ooze (Netherlands); Ecological Land Cooperative; Wordsearch Place
Prior and Partners with The Place Bureau; Alison Brooks Architects; Wilkinson Eyre Architects; dRMM; Gilespies (Oxford); Spacehub; Ramboll; Stantec; Hoare Lea; Keith Orlesky; Philipp Bouteiller; Pooran Desai; Transition by Design (Oxford); Transsolar (Germany); Usman Haque; Jonathan Rose Companies (USA)
All the Stage 1 entries can be seen here.
The responses to all Stage 1 queries have been added in the sidebar of this webpage.
We have received competition entries from 40 diverse and wide-ranging teams. If you would like to see the Think Pieces from all the teams go to our journal page.
Please note that a copy of this brief can be downloaded from the sidebar on this webpage.
This is indeed a rare opportunity, given the client’s blue-chip standing and its aspirations to create an internationally recognised, exemplar project that pushes boundaries in design innovation, environmental sustainability and social wellbeing.
The winner of this competition will set the ambition and design intent for a successful, multi-phased regeneration programme, which is expected to come to fruition over the coming 20 years and with an overall budget in excess of £1billion. The winning team will bring demonstrable expertise to the table, however it will also be visionary, prepared to work collaboratively with the client to create something that is truly special and worthy of this unique opportunity.
The purpose of this competition is to select the masterplanner and design team for Begbroke. It is not a competition to design a masterplan.
The competition has been split into two distinct parts:
An open call, asking for expressions of interest from inspiring teams that believe they have the ability to rise to this creative challenge.
Five teams will be shortlisted to take part in Stage 2, which will include a mid-tender showcase/Q&A session, and will culminate in an interview with the Jury Panel.
The competition is being managed on behalf of the client by Colander Associates. This means that Colander is the point of contact for competitors and all communications must be channelled through us via the email address: oud@colander.co.uk
08.11.21 Competition launch
15.11.21 Deadline for any queries about this competition
03.12.21 Deadline for receipt of Stage 1 submissions
15.12.21 Interviews to introduce the teams, held with up to eight competitors
17.21.21 Identify the teams shortlisted to take part in Stage
03.01.22 Announce the shortlist
10.01.22 Site visit and briefing session
w/c 24.01.22 Mid-term charrette
17.02.22 Deadline for receipt of Stage 2 submissions
02.03.22 Interviews with Jury Panel
11.03.22 Winner announced
The client for this competition is Oxford University Development, (OUD) which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oxford University Property Development, a 50/50 joint venture partnership between The University of Oxford and Legal and General Group plc.
“For nearly two decades, the University’s Science Park at Begbroke has been home to a wide range of research and development activities across our Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences departments, playing a vital role in contributing to the wider local, regional, and national economy. Oxford University is and will remain the freeholder of the majority of the land, and its strategic goal is to create an exemplary new community that the University and local residents can be proud of – a world-leading Innovation District with sustainability at its heart.”
— Dr David Prout, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) at the University of Oxford
The University of Oxford will provide the land and demand for completed space and will anchor developments, including Begbroke, across Oxford; Legal and General Group will provide its expertise and experience in delivering major projects, and up to £4bn capital.
“Science, engineering and innovation have never been more important, and new schemes like Begbroke will help ensure UK universities continue to be world-leading. We are helping realise their potential by investing in much needed science infrastructure, which can incubate the great talent and innovative spin-outs which come from these first class institutions. In addition to Begbroke, Legal & General has brought forward projects, in partnership with world-leading universities, worth £2bn this year alone.”
— Laura Mason, CEO of Legal & General Capital
The Joint Venture was formally incorporated in June 2019 and shares an overarching long-term vision and values, spearheaded by a desire to deliver quality places and spaces and a commitment to sustainability.
For nearly two decades, the University’s Science Park at Begbroke has been home to a wide range of cutting edge research and development activities, playing a vital role in Oxford’s ‘impact and innovation’ strategy and contributing to the wider local, regional, and national economy. It is the site that launched Oxford Nanopore on its journey to stock market flotation and a c.£5bn valuation; it is where Oxford Photovoltaics first developed its world-leading efficient solar panel designs, and where the research underpinning the low cost, easy to use, rapid COVID testing now available at airports across the globe was carried out.
The time has now come to reimagine Begbroke for the future, as a global scientific Innovation District. The University activities will remain at the core, expanding on and developing Oxford’s world-leading reputation and fostering research, innovation and entrepreneurship but Begbroke is also destined to become a highly sustainable, desirable district in which people from all walks of life will want to participate: to live, raise a family, work, exchange ideas and socialise.
"Part of the University’s strategic goal is to undertake research and innovation of exceptional quality, and to ensure our insights and knowledge can efficiently be put to the use of society. To do that we increasingly need new approaches and environments to support collaborative working. We must also be able to attract and retain the brightest minds. These requirements can be met by creating a vibrant and distinctive mixed-use Innovation District at Begbroke that benefits all stakeholders, and we are excited to engage with partners who can help us realise our vision."
— Professor Patrick Grant, Chair, Begbroke Programme Board
Begbroke is located within the Oxford Cambridge Arc and is a 10-minute drive to Oxford Parkway Station and less than an hour’s drive from Heathrow Airport. There is a constellation of technology businesses scattered across the local area, which is adjacent to Oxford Airport.
It sits at the centre of land earmarked in Cherwell District Council’s (CDC) Local Plan for a high-quality mixed-use development, comprising a range of research & development, commercial, residential, University accommodation, and associated social and physical infrastructure uses, such as schools, local centres, amenity space and recreation/leisure uses, as well as excellent connectivity to the City of Oxford by sustainable means.
The Begbroke proposals will be coming forward in parallel with a number of other housing schemes and major employment expansion area at Oxford North, it will change the centre of gravity.
Begbroke is expected to deliver:
- A world leading Innovation District that encourages scientific endeavour, knowledge exchange, collaboration and enterprise.
- A place where research and innovation-based businesses are nurtured and can expand from small start-ups and spin-outs, to grow-on stage firms, to large companies.
- Attractive, efficient and desirable housing for a wide mix of people, including University staff, early career researchers and local employees.
- An open, welcoming, connected community with sustainability at its heart.
- World class schools
- High quality green and blue infrastructure, open spaces, and recreation and play areas.
- A future facing development that goes beyond compliance and demonstrably achieves a step-change in sustainable design, delivery, and operation,
- A living laboratory, where major challenges can be solved, informed by Oxford University research in fields such as climate technology, biodiversity, food security, health, energy and transport.
Begbroke is a 190-hectare site located approximately five miles north of the centre of Oxford, between the villages of Yarnton, Begbroke and Kidlington.
Primary access to the site is from the A44 which lies immediately to the west. Access from the A44 may also be gained from Sandy Lane (which bisects the site roughly east west) and from Yarnton Lane to the east of the Oxford to Banbury railway line which runs through the site. In future there will be cycle and pedestrian access only over the railway line, with the potential for autonomous pods or electric cycle taxis. To the north, the site is bounded by Rowel Brook and Rushy Meadows SSSI. The Oxford Canal forms the easternmost site boundary.
The University of Oxford’s Begbroke Science Park, which comprises a number of diverse buildings, including a Jacobean house, lies roughly central in the northern part of the site.
It is a largely flat site and, other than the Science Park, the predominant existing land use is agriculture.
The University of Oxford is the majority landowner at Begbroke. OUD is working collaboratively with the other landowners to jointly promote and develop the comprehensive design and delivery of the site.
In 2015, a strategic masterplan for Begbroke was developed which included the expansion of the Science Park from 4 to 18 hectares alongside new residential accommodation and associated infrastructure. This masterplan evolved into the Begbroke Design Concept, which was submitted by the University to Cherwell District Council’s Local Plan Review in October 2017.
The Local Plan was adopted by CDC in September 2020, and identified the site for removal from the green belt for development purposes under Policy PR8. A judicial review was subsequently lodged by Cherwell Development Watch Alliance and a hearing was held June 2021. The appeal was dismissed in August 2021.
The Local Plan Partial Review (adopted September 2020) requires the preparation of development briefs for each of the Plan’s allocated sites, including PR8 Begbroke. CDC has produced a draft Development Brief for PR8 and consultation is expected in December 2021. It is understood that the Development Brief will be adopted as a material planning consideration in the determination of any future planning applications for the site.
The client’s aspirations are to transform Begbroke into a desirable urban quarter; to foster a vibrant community for innovation, research, education and entrepreneurship within an exciting and culturally animated heart; to provide a home for a wide range of people including University staff, and a destination for natural living. To achieve this aspiration Begbroke will become an exceptional, connected, affordable place for a diverse and thriving community and, importantly, a place that will remain relevant and sustainable for the long term.
Through the visioning and strategic masterplanning process, this aspiration will be refined and shaped, collaboratively with the client organisations and local stakeholders, to lay the foundations for a lasting and enduring neighbourhood. The selected masterplanning team will be a key participant in this dialogue and will need to demonstrate the ability to understand, nurture and develop this vision, to create a masterplan that embraces:
A coherent strategy for urban development that reflects the research and innovation agenda that will drive Begbroke’s success and an ecosystem that will capture the curiosity, energy and collaborative spirit of some of the world’s brightest minds.
Environmental sustainability
A highly resilient, environmentally positive approach that is capable of communicating its value against tough carbon, connectivity and biodiversity objectives. Showcasing design, delivery and operation that enhances nature, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and promotes positive effects on health and wellbeing.
Economic sustainability
Affordable but high-quality, highly efficient or passivhaus-principle homes, workplaces and neighbourhoods, for a diverse and thriving community, that are cost effective to build, live in and maintain, with the resilience to flex over time and adapt to changing societal needs, and those of the University. A nucleus for high value knowledge economy jobs, skills development and apprenticeship opportunities.
Social sustainability
Creating a place that engenders pride, founded on robust stewardship, inspiring and accessible green spaces and public realm, and long-term viability where families and people of all ages feel safe and healthy and a sense of belonging.
Providing the social infrastructure to establish a resilient, mixed-use neighbourhood of choice. Offering variety and a critical mass of activity that will help attract the very best researchers to live and work at the Innovation District, while creating opportunities for local people and companies.
The Local Plan identifies the site for development for the following uses:
- 1950 homes (66ha land, 50% affordable)
- Secondary School (8.2ha including sports hall)
- Primary School (3.2ha land)
- Primary School (2.2ha land)
- Local Centre (A1 500sqm, ancillary business development B1a/A2; café/restaurant A3; community building)
- Sports play area
- Local Nature Reserve (29.2ha)
- Nature Conservation Area (12.2ha)
- Canalside Park (23.4ha)
- Land for Agricultural Use (12ha)
- Railway Halt (0.5ha)
- New public bridleways suitable for cyclists and wheelchair users
- New pedestrian/cycle/wheelchair bridge over the Oxford Canal
- Reservation of 14.7ha of land for the expansion of the Begbroke Science Park
- A limited number of homes for those working at the Science Park
- Stopping up of Sandy Lane level crossing and provision of an alternative pedestrian/ wheelchair access/cycle bridge
- At least 2 points of access onto the A44
Scope of work and programme
It is the client’s intention to appoint the winning team to collaboratively develop a landscape-led masterplan for Begbroke, through to RIBA Stage 0/1, i.e. to submission and determination of a ‘hybrid’ planning application (outline plus detailed strategic infrastructure design).
It is expected that the winning team will be selected by the end of February 2022, with services commencing on 01 March 2022.
The Masterplan fix is targeted for November 2022 to facilitate submission of the outline planning application by February 2023, with a view to achieving Planning Consent in July 2024.
An overview of the programme to planning consent and key dates is provided below:
The successful integration of good design, a genuine understanding of how a masterplan can embed environmental sustainability, and visionary thinking are at the heart of this selection process.
The client is looking for a team that is able to generate new, yet achievable ideas that will set pioneering standards for this type of development for years to come. The approach to design must be able to deliver the University’s academic and research requirements for the future, alongside affordable living within an environment that is respectful, integrated, inclusive, aspirational, cultural and commercial.
Given the fundamental requirement that this project should push the envelope and create an exemplar development, we are encouraging interest from international, UK based and local teams. We would strongly encourage the more established practices to join forces with individuals or smaller practices that have fresh views – and vice versa. The winning team will be expected to offer both gravitas and experience alongside radical and influential ideas.
We suggest that competitors use the hashtag: #begbrokecompetition to meet possible collaborators.
The client is committed to creating a more equitable and sustainable society and it will expect competitors to demonstrate their commitment to this objective, through the diversity and inclusivity within their teams.
Leadership of the team can come from any team member, and it may be that creative leadership and team management are provided by different people.
The core team is expected to offer an integrated approach to sustainability and include masterplanners, landscape designers and infrastructure engineers.
The team should include:
- Masterplanning, including Principal Designer role
- Landscape Design
- Sustainability
- Civils and Structural Engineer
- Transport Design
- Drainage
- Flood Risk
- Utilities
- Bridge Engineer
- Acoustics, Air Quality and Noise
Please note that, although unlikely, the client reserves the right to appoint engineers from outside the team if circumstances dictate.
Competitors are encouraged to add people with additional skills to their core teams, if they think this will enable them to deliver success.
The winning team will offer:
- An ability to effectively identify and assess the opportunities and challenges that the development presents, and to utilise this analysis to define and design a collective vision for the sort of place that Begbroke could become.
- Masterplanning, landscape and urban design skills that are able to rise to the specific challenge of Begbroke, reflecting the strategic requirements of the University while meeting CDC’s long term planning requirements.
- Place making skills, including an ability to integrate landscape, and an understanding of how nature based solutions can enhance wellbeing and urban sustainability.
- Illustrative architectural skills to enable a sense of place to be imagined. Please note that architects for each building plot will be appointed separately and at a later date.
- An ability to balance short and long term commercial constraints with creativity and innovation, to underpin a focus on quality of life, sustainability and place-making.
- Exceptional communication skills to ensure that design ideas are generated through collaboration and shared values, and can be communicated, tested and discussed effectively with a range of audiences and stakeholders through a wide range of media.
The team will need to ignite a passion for design in others, to encourage the client and key stakeholders to embrace innovation and a pioneering approach to long term sustainability, while being respectful of both short and long term economic viability.
The client has appointed a number of key advisors who will work alongside the winning team:
- Project Management – Turner & Townsend
- Cost Management – AECOM
- Strategic Transport Consultant – Ian Monachino Ayres
- Estate Management - SAY
- Ecology – BSG
- Technical Advisor – King Technical Consultancy
- Commercial Agency – Bidwells
- Planning Consultant – Quod
- Community Engagement Advisor – Kevin Murray Associates
- Public Relations and Communications Advisor – BECG
The selection of the shortlist will be undertaken by the project team comprising:
- Anna Strongman – CEO, OUD
- Tom Clarke – Planning Director, OUD
- Sebastian Balcombe – Senior Land and Planning Manager, OUD
- Alistair Cory – Director, Begbroke Science Park
- Paula Brown – Assets Project Manager for OU Estates Services Team
- Gemma Bushell – Turner & Townsend
The Jury Panel for Stage 2 will be announced as part of the Stage 2 brief. It will include representatives from the client organisation and key stakeholders, as well a number of high-profile independent advisors.
In Stage 2, the Jury will be assisted by a Technical Panel. This panel will review the Stage 2 submissions and submit a written report to the Jury Panel to inform its decision-making process. It will also have sight of the shortlisted teams’ Stage 1 submissions.
Please note that while comments from the Technical Panel and other stakeholders will be considered by the members of the Jury when they evaluate the submissions, the Jury Panel will be responsible for the final selection of the winning team.
The decision of the Jury Panel is final.
This competition launched on 08 November 2021. If you would like to be considered for this project, you will need to submit an Expression of Interest by noon on 03 December 2021.
Any queries about this open call should be sent to oud@colander.co.uk no later than 15 November 2021. Responses to the queries that we receive will be posted on this competition website by 19 November 2021. Competitors are requested to keep an eye on the website, as any updates to the competition process will be posted there.
Competitors are asked not to make enquiries to the client organisations, or to any stakeholders including, but not limited to, Oxford County Council, Cherwell District Council, other landowners, or any of the incumbent consultants.
Please note that while an organisation can be involved in any number of competing teams, each organisation may only submit one competition entry as the lead consultant. Also, competitors wishing to be involved in more than one team must be able to demonstrate, on request, that measures to prevent internal information sharing have been put in place.
Stage 1: Submission requirements
Four things are required at Stage 1:
- A think-piece
- A description of your team
- A cover sheet
- The Company Information checklist completed by the team’s lead consultant.
An illustrated think-piece, including no more than 500 words on one A1 board, in response to the following:
“How can Begbroke be both global and local; a place of world changing science whilst at the same time somewhere to call home?”
Your illustrations might include sketches and diagrams to illustrate process, images of your own past work as well as other sources of inspiration. Please clearly identify any illustrations of projects that have been undertaken by team members.
The purpose of this think-piece is to demonstrate your ability to think outside the box, to be creative and to communicate design ideas clearly.
No more than four sides of A4, introducing the people or organisations that have been included in the team, referencing relevant projects and their commitment to innovation and sustainability, with a short statement explaining:
- The individual skills and expertise offered by this team. Include information about the key individuals who would lead the project – whether it is the creative lead or the management lead – the roles they would take and why they have been selected for this project.
- An explanation of how the creative and the managerial leads within the team expect to interface, to ensure design excellence alongside a smooth delivery process. Please include an organogram of the team, to show the roles taken by each of the key players and, if the team comprises more than one organisation, how they will work together.
- The team’s commitment to work on a project in Oxfordshire, UK.
The purpose of this document is to demonstrate the skills and expertise within the team.
To include:
- Contact person: name, phone and email address
- Lead organisation: name, address, phone, website
- Names and web addresses of the organisations in the team, and their roles on this project.
- Acknowledgement by the team’s lead organisation that in completing this submission, it warrants, represents and undertakes to OUD that it is of sound financial standing and has sufficient resources available to it to undertake this project. Further confirmation of financial standing will be required prior to awarding the contract.
- Confirmation that all members of the team are paying a living wage to everyone working in their organisations.
- No more than 300 words summarising why this team is right for this project.
The Company Information checklist (see Appendix A in the sidebar of this webpage). This needs to be completed only by the team’s lead consultant.
Competitors will receive an email acknowledgement that their submission has been received. Please note: competitors are responsible for the safe and timely delivery of their submissions. If an email acknowledgement is not received, then the onus is on the competitor to follow up. Colander Associates and OUD cannot be held responsible for undelivered entries.
Stage 1: Submission format and delivery address
An electronic version of your submission must be emailed to oud@colander.co.uk
The submission should comprise four separate files:
- Cover sheet
- Think Piece
- Description of your team
- Company information checklist
Please submit the think-piece as a hi-res jpg, also as a jpg of max 2MB for use on social media channels.
Please submit the description of the team, the company information sheet and the cover sheet in pdf format. Please note that additional pages must not be included in the submission. So, no extra cover sheets or divider pages are allowed.
Please note that attachments to your email may not be acceptable if files are larger than 10MB, so we recommend using WeTransfer or equivalent if this is the case.
In addition, one A1 copy of the image created in response to the Think Piece, mounted on lightweight foamboard, should be sent to:
Begbroke Competition
Oxford University Development Ltd
Suite B, 6 Worcester Street
Oxford OX1 2BX
Hard copies of the other submission documents are not required, nor will they be accepted.
Electronic copy: 12 noon on 03 December 2021
Hard copy of the Think Piece: 17.00 on 03 December 2021
Late deliveries will not be accepted. Equally, it is each competitor’s responsibility to ensure that its submission has been received. Email acknowledgement will be sent to the named contact person confirming that their submission has been received; if an email is not forthcoming, then competitors should assume that their submission has not arrived.
Stage 1: Judging criteria
The Jury Panel will be looking to create a diverse shortlist, therefore weightings will not be applied to the judging criteria. Criteria for shortlisting are:
- Has this team demonstrated that it could conceive an exceptional masterplan for a project of this type, importance and opportunity?
- Has this team demonstrated that it understands the quality of design, collaboration, leadership and innovation that will be needed from the team, and demonstrated a clear understanding of the environmental, economic and social sustainability required in this project?
- Has this team demonstrated an affinity with collaborative working: with clients, with lay and professional stakeholders and with other members of the project team?
- Has the team demonstrated an ability to engage and convey key messages around design, with clarity and inspiration.
- Does the team include the skills needed to conceive something extraordinary for this project?
- Do this team’s passions resonate with this project?
- Is design leadership within the team clearly defined, to ensure that the complementary design skills of the various players will blossom, to the overall benefit of the project as a whole.
Stage 1: Interviews
Up to eight teams will be invited to attend a short (45 minutes) virtual interview with the Stage 1 Jury Panel on 15 December 2021. The purpose of the interview is to introduce your team and explore your Stage 1 submission, it will be structured as follows:
- 10 minutes Introductions to your team
- 20 minutes Review of your Think Piece. You should be imaginative in the way that you express your response and be sure to instigate a discussion with the members of the Jury Panel in this time.
- 10 minutes Questions from the Jury Panel about your team
- 5 minutes Round up.
If you are called to interview then the key members of your team – those who will play an active role on the project – should attend. Depending on COVID-19 protocols these interviews may take place online.
The Jury Panel will shortlist no fewer than three and no more than five teams that it believes have the expertise, creativity, ambition and communication skills to conceive and help deliver an extraordinary vision and strategic masterplan for Begbroke.
Stage 2: Honoraria
Each team that is shortlisted to take part in Stage 2 will be offered an honorarium of £10,000 (+ VAT if required), payable on receipt of a compliant Stage 2 submission.
Stage 2: Site visit
A site visit and briefing session has been arranged for all shortlisted teams on 10 January 2022. Details will be communicated to shortlisted teams nearer the time.
Stage 2: Submission requirements
Five things will be required at Stage 2:
- A response to a briefing challenge
- A design delivery report, including a resource schedule
- Fees
- Comments on the proposed contract of engagement
- Company information, as per Stage 1 Appendix A, completed by the team’s lead consultant
The deadline for Stage 2 submissions is 09 February 2022. Details will be shared with the shortlisted teams.
The purpose of this exercise is to give an overall sense of each team’s aspirations and vision for the project, not to judge a finished design idea. It is understood that the masterplan design can only be developed once a detailed brief is available. Competitors are asked to explore the following and present their thoughts, on two A1 boards, and a 2-minute video.
“Building on the themes you outlined in your Stage 1 submission, how will your approach to masterplanning make Begbroke special? What are the strategic design issues that will need to be considered?”
To enable the client to understand how each shortlisted team will expect to work on the project, shortlisted teams are asked to submit a written report addressing the following:
No more than six sides of A4 explaining the team’s proposed working approach and methodology and in particular:
- How this team plans to embed innovation in its masterplanning approach for Begbroke.
- Given the principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability outlined in the Briefing Challenge, how this team plans to embed these in its working methods for this project.
- How this team will engage with the client and other stakeholders to gain buy-in for its designs.
- How this team will deliver a high quality, functional project, in Oxford, while meeting the clients’ commercial and viability constraints.
- How the team expects to deliver to the project programme.
- Any other relevant information that helps to differentiate the team.
No more than one side of A4 showing how much time the named players in leadership roles in the team will allocate to each stage of the project. This should include key people from each organisation in the team.
A fee proforma will be issued to all Stage 2 competitors. The completed proforma must be submitted in a clearly marked file, separate from the rest of the submission
A draft Contract of Engagement will be issued to all Stage 2 competitors. Competitors will be asked to submit any potential issues of principle.
The Company Information completed by the team’s lead consultant.
Stage 2: Charrette
A mid-term charrette, lasting a full day, will be held with all shortlisted teams in w/c 24 January 2022.
The purpose of the charrette will be to understand how the teams respond to collaborative thinking and to allow the client and key stakeholders to meet the team.
Stage 2: Interviews
Each shortlisted team will be invited to attend an interview with the Jury Panel on 16 February 2022. The purpose of the interview is to review the Stage 2 submission and for the members of the Jury Panel to ask questions. Details will be shared with the shortlisted teams.
Key members of each team will be expected to attend.
Depending on COVID-19 protocols these interviews my take place online.
Stage 2: Judging criteria
Details of the judging criteria will be issued to Stage 2 competitors. It is expected that Stage 2 submissions will be judged on a ratio of:
40% Briefing Challenge
30% Design Delivery
30% Fees. Please note that fees will be evaluated on a ‘value for money basis’, taking into account fee and resource allocations, as well as fee levels. The Jury Panel will be mindful of how the fee is allocated across the team and will be looking to see that all members of the team are receiving sufficient resource to make meaningful contributions to the conceptual strategy, design and delivery of the project.
Selecting the winner
The decision of the Jury Panel is final.
Confirmation of financial standing will be required prior to awarding the contract. Equally, although references will not form part of the assessment process, the client may take up references for the preferred team prior to appointment.
The winner is expected to be announced by the end of February 2022.
The ownership of copyright of all ideas submitted will be in accordance with the Copyright, Designs & Patent Act 1988. By entering the competition, teams acknowledge that their submissions may be shared with other competitors and with the public at large through press and other media, exhibitions and events.
Shortlisted teams will be expected to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before taking part in Stage 2.
By entering this competition, competitors agree not to contact the press or media about the competition at any stage during or after the competition, without the written approval of the client. Equally, not to self- publicise their competition entry online or through other means.
There will be publicity associated with this competition as it progresses. By entering the competition, all competitors (whether or not they are shortlisted to take part in Stage 2 of the competition), acknowledge this fact, and freely consent to their submissions being used for this purpose.
Any submission will be excluded from the competition if:
- It is received after the submission deadlines
- In the opinion of the Jury Panel, it does not fulfil the requirements of the brief
- A competitor improperly attempts to influence the decision
- Any of the mandatory requirements of the competition brief and conditions are disregarded.
The small print
While the information contained in this document is believed to be correct at the time of issue, neither OUD, nor its advisors make any warranty or representation (express or implied) with respect to such information; nor will it accept any liability for its accuracy, adequacy or completeness.
Please note that while the client has every intention of appointing the winning team to design and deliver the masterplan, it reserves the right to make changes to the team and the procurement process if required.
If, in the opinion if the jury, none of the competitors meets the high standards set for this competition, then the jury reserves the right not to select a winner
Colander Associates has taken all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information included is accurate, however, it cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or inconsistencies.
“We’re looking for a stellar team to design a masterplan that responds to both Oxford's housing needs, a place to live, work, and foster innovation and enterprise. We want to bring together the best minds in the industry, to work with us, Cherwell District Council, and our local communities to create a masterplan of global significance.”
— Anna Strongman, CEO, Oxford University Development