Annie Spink Award for Excellence in Architectural Education

Congratulations to Equilibrium Network Member, Professor Christine Hawley : the first woman to receive the RIBA's Annie Spink Award....

The biennial Annie Spink Award is presented to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of architectural education in a school of architecture, anywhere in the world that offers courses validated by the RIBA.

The £10,000 award is financed by the Annie Spink Trust Fund, which was established in 1974 by architect Herbert Spink. He bequeathed the trust as a lasting memorial to his wife Annie, who died in 1938, as an honour for the ‘advancement of architectural education’.

Past recipients of the award include Florian Beigel, Nigel Coates, Peter Cook and Dalibor Vesely.

The citation from RIBA President Jane Duncan said:

“Christine is a dedicated and talented teacher whose enthusiasm has helped inspire generations of young architects. She has long been a champion for excellence in architectural education throughout her career and I am delighted to see her recognised through this award.”

Christine's academic career is long and distinguished. From 1979 to 1987 she taught at the AA, and from 1987 to 1993 she was head of the University of East London School of Architecture. In 1993 she became Professor of Architectural Studies at London's Bartlett School of Architecture, Building, Environmental Design and Planning. In 1999, she was made Dean of the Faculty of the Built Environment and Head of School at the Bartlett, the largest graduate school specialising in the built environment in the UK.

Since 2015 Christine has held the title of Professor of Architectural Design.

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