We delighted to launch a competition to find master planners for a new garden community of up to 9000 homes....
Colander is delighted to alert you to a wonderful master planning project to build a new garden community: the Tendring and Colchester Borders Garden Community (TCBGC), which is located on the eastern edge of Colchester.
To find out more about the competition go to our competition webpage
As a mark of the importance that has been placed on this project, the client, Latimer by Clarion Housing, has decided to hold a design competition to secure a team of professionals to deliver an exemplar masterplan.
The winning team will be led by an organisation with strong masterplanning skills and experience. Landscape skills will be integral to the team, and while these do not need to be offered by the lead consultant, the client would welcome leadership from consultants with strong capabilities in landscape. In addition, the team will need to include expertise in sustainability and in communications and consultation.
Interested organisation can be involved in any number of competing teams but, each organisation or person may only submit one competition entry as the lead consultant. The client will want to appoint each consultant in the winning team separately and, in the unlikely event that it is required, will reserve the right to make changes to team members.
Engineering and other technical disciplines fall outside this commission.
The formal announcement of this competition has been made via the Government Find A Tender portal. The competition will follow the restricted procurement route and Latimer by Clarion Housing will host all the briefing material on their Delta e-sourcing portal. Access code: 3QT4QJEHMZ
We are very excited to be associated with this project and look forward to the interest it generates within the profession. It presents a great opportunity, and we hope that your organisation will consider making a submission.