Communication and assertiveness skills

The combination of self-confidence and a healthy respect for other people's opinions is a hugely powerful characteristic for anyone in business.

This course explores how to create this balance, to enable open and constructive communications even in difficult situations.

Who this course is for

This course is of particular benefit to those who regularly encounter conflict or have difficulty ‘standing their ground’. It is also for people with wider management responsibilities, where inter-personal skills are important.

Course format

John Forrester, who runs this course, has worked with Colander for more than 10 years, applying his extensive knowledge of leadership and people management to the intricacies of the architectural and design professions.

In this course, John reviews proven theory and advice, and explores statistical and anecdotal evidence through group discussions and activities.

Delegate numbers are limited in order to facilitate group discussions and maintain the interactive quality of the training.

A printed, bound set of courses notes will be given to each delegate.

A number of our clients have chosen to combine this course with Working and managing more efficiently, to provide a full-day course. It also sits very comfortably as an adjunct to the 2-day Leadership and people management course.

Course content

All our in-house courses can be tailored to meet the exact requirements of individual practices, suggested topics include :

  • Cornerstones of assertiveness
  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Giving feedback or constructive criticism
  • Receiving criticism or feedback
  • Assertiveness methods
  • Briefing formats to aid planning and communication
  • Components of communication
  • Persuasiveness
  • Achieving congruence – the importance of authenticity


CPD Certificates are issued to all attendees.